Our Values

Focusing on Human Capital


Global Networks Initiatives are thinkers who unceasingly create, formulate ideas and policies while Focusing on Human Capital. We are resolved to vitalising those who are willing to tap into their potential and navigate through their goals in life, a clarion call to radical ideas and passionate actions.

“One of the greatest tragedies of our time is that a greater percentage of politicians and ‘leaders’ are akin to the cock which produces sperm that cannot fertilize an egg”













Inspiration is of the essence in every facet of human endeavour, and Global Networks Initiatives is a quintessence of inspiration. We were conceived, birthed and nurtured by inspiration.

We are geared towards awakening, educating, sensitising and uplifting people within and outside their comfort zone to be able to emancipate their mind and reframe challenges. We promote caring, genuine and authentic living by standing up for what we believe and by extension, impel others to embrace the reality of life which enables them to create the world they want to live in.

Global Networks Initiatives are not afraid to stand up for our beliefs and inspire others to personal and public greatness. We are fully aware that,

“good people inspire themselves, but great people inspire others,” hence, our fidelity and commitment towards inspiring people so as to galvanise creativity.

We Inspire and aspire towards greatness so that through inspiration.

We Inspire and aspire towards greatness so that through inspiration, we outthink in order to outperform.


A society that is devoid of awareness is bound to stagnate. With this realisation, we are geared towards raising the level of awareness of all humanity. Awareness is a fulcrum by which the uninformed are catapulted to consciousness. Awareness rises to the forefront when illusion and ignorance are relegated to the background.

Global Networks Initiatives is cognizant of the fact that information and understanding are the main tools that lead to accomplishment. Awareness is a sine qua non in judicious approach to fixed and growth mindset, which are necessary for transformation. Awareness is an inevitable tool for diversity.

It is our resolve to feed humanity with the mental diet of awareness which is considered inescapable with regards to rethinking perspectives and rediscovering greatness. It is about time people were liberated from the tyranny and quagmire of fundamental illusions and feudal mentality. It is our onus to help people transcend myopia; to assist people in discovering the compass that will lead them out of the darkness of ignorance because when they miss out, they lose out.


Global Networks Initiatives believes that education should be holistic so as to impact the whole human person. Education is a potential power that will result in anything powerful but how will such happen when we keep that knowledge to ourselves? It is to that effect that we intensify our efforts to ensure that what we know are shared and what we shared are utilised.

Our mind has been programmed and conditioned to believe whatever we are told as true and most at times, such belief happens subconsciously.

Sadly, most of those beliefs deprive us from getting to our destination in life because we constantly fall victim of the judgement of others. For this reason, we are hellbent on educating the mind towards a purposeful life.

We learn not to keep to ourselves but to invest in others. When we mean education, we’re more concerned about knowledge that will positively impact generations. It’s the desire of Global Networks Initiatives that you think creatively across boundaries, explore ideas that interest, inspire and challenge you which will result in unimagined discoveries. Hence, we educate the mind to ‘unshackle the chains of mental slavery’.

Our quest for holistic eduçation will continue to soar like an eagle and

distance us from being content with mediocrity. In order to achieve this goal, we also engage in Seminars, Retreats, Counselling among others.


One of our ethos is to leave a lasting legacy for posterity. Global Networks Initiatives is a change catalyst that influences and wins the moment. As change catalysts, we are irrevocably committed to being in motion so as to bring about the desired change by empowering emerging artists.

As Newton aptly puts it in his first law of motion, “a body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force.” Complacency is the graveyard of innovation. We are duty-bound to transcend the boundaries of complacency and commonplace. So, innovation brings about pacesetters (leaders) as opposed to followers. It’s obvious that a desire for change forms an inevitable part of our successful venture because while it’s good to be better, it’s better to be different. Life offers us extraordinary freedom to explore beyond the ordinary and to challenge ourselves. Global Networks initiatives are bent on injecting novelty into our society by creating a positive mindset that will galvanise growth and inspire the future creative innovators.


“Let us make man in our own image.” The phrase, ‘Let us’ denotes collaboration. The universe is a product of collaboration and we are part of that universe. To that effect, Global Networks Initiatives is the brainchild of collaboration.

We are committed to engaging with the world because we are measured not by whom we exclude, but by whom we include and the result of their inclusion. There is no gainsaying the fact that when you engage with the world, you create energy, and you destroy energy when you withdraw from the world.

This is a synergistic platform sommitted to pooling resources from all the corners of the earth so as to propagate the core values of humanity. It transcends parochial interest and fosters the spirit of altruism.

“None of us is as smart as all of us” – Japanese proverb.

Together we make this world a better place.


It has been established that diversity is a road that leads to actualization and sound judgement. Our sincere effort and definiteness of purpose are what is directing our actions towards excellence being mindful of the fact that an anchored ship is unbudgeable. We always do what we can to turn our obstacles into opportunities.

Global Networks Initiatives garner experience from different perspectives, identifying blind spots, developing new approaches with better ideas. We ignore who you are and where you come from, question assumptions, hence, the broader but rational view and interpretation of the world around us in order to create better solutions: Nevertheless,

“It’s the closed mind that seals off creative solutions, keeps us at the point we’re in life, where we’ve been, and will continue to be, and if we continue to entertain the closed mind, we’l| find ourselves eliminating any possibility for new opportunities”.


It is believed that all battles are first worn in the mind, therefore, value creation is the first step to a lasting influence. “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power”. – Lao Tzu. Our influence doesn’t come from mere words but through the values we create, trust we build and emotional connection we sustain which form the idea of who we are.

Global Networks Initiatives is unrelenting with regards to inspiring positive changes in the mind of our audience cum bringing the good in them to fruition so that what started ordinarily in them becomes extraordinary and in turn changes the world.

While we stay focused on other people, prioritise their interest towards a worthy cause and align their views and values with ours, we constantly work on our goal of shifting the world’s mindset on the global stage Achieving excellence is the pinnacle of our aspiration.

Global Networks Initiatives reiterates that value creation is undeniably the magnetic force of influence that transforms our audience into followers and leaders into agents of change and, “Unless an internal shift occurs change will not last”. Dr. Karen Keller.


The culture of integrity has been eroded by expediency both in our immediate environment and the world at large.

Integrity is the incubator in which success and fulfilment are hatched. Any endeavour that is devoid of integrity is dysfunctional and failure- bound.

Our quest for integrity is second to none. Therefore, it is our resolve to inculcate into people the essence and the fruits of integrity. We are committed to building that culture of trust towards achieving a shared goal, hence, we agglutinate disciplines in order to surpass expectations. With courage, we hope to create a meaningful life of integrity because we are mindful of the bigger picture.

We understand that great peacemakers are people of integrity. So, with honesty and humility we are bound to impact the world.

Global Networks Initiatives understands that integrity is born out of empathy and selflessness which ignites our desire to uphold such tenets.