About Us

Focusing on Human Capital

Global Networks Initiatives are thinkers who unceasingly create, formulate ideas and policies while Focusing on Human Capital. We are resolved to vitalising those who are willing to tap into their potential and navigate through their goals in life, a clarion call to radical ideas and passionate actions.

Just like builders who dream, artists who create, farmers who cultivate, we ‘build bridges’, reach out and collaborate with our partners in diverse perspectives towards assisting people to traverse any obstacle standing between them and what they truly desire for the sake of the present and future generations. We equally assist philanthropists in reaching out to their desired beneficiaries.

Global Networks Initiatives detest, disrupt and defy both consented and coercive hegemony in addition to mental slavery. Thus, an inescapable means towards stimulating your original thinking, and reimagining your future. 


We are aware that, “Educating the mind towards the reality of life is as difficult as piercing through the mental slavery” but that is why we are here – to inspire the uninspired and motivate the unmotivated! Hence, we speak life into your life because the quality of your life is of paramount importance.


Our Philosophy

“We believe that, “It is high time we accepted the fact that our fathers are the leaders of yesterday so that we may be accorded the privilege of leaders of today thereafter pave the way for our children as the leaders of tomorrow”


Our Vision

“To unshakle the chains of Mental Slavery for paradigms shift”.


Our Mission

“Revitalising consciousness in the minds of the people by connecting people to nations, nations to people and people to nature towards a better generation”

“Quote of the month”

“Until our mindset changes, nothing will ever change. It’s easy to unshackle the physical chains of slavery, than that of the chains of mental slavery”

BSO Kpechi

Inspirational Speaker